Range Hoods

Dual Booth Bench

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Product Details

Parametric booth that gives the user the full control over the faces of the bottom of the dual booth and seat backing. Can report to whatever door style you have selected in your room settings. User parameters drive the overall shape of the bench with easy to manipulate parameters. Number of drawers or exclusion of doors can be made from the face/interior tabs.

Includes 3x product files:
Dual Booth with Drawers
Dual Booth with Finished Panels
Dual Booth with Finished Panels - NO TOE

May require some minor reveal tweaks when importing the model into frameless vs framed libraries and assigning a user's construction method.

Included Parameters:

  1. Top of Kick Depth
  2. Seat Back Depth 1 & 2
  3. Seat Top Height 1 & 2
  4. Bench Toe Height
  5. Bench Toe Recess
  6. Bench Top Overhang
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Dual Booth Bench
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